Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Drake - 3 Months

I have broken tradition! He is not in a white onesie! It's funny how much by OCD has calmed down by having both these babies around ;) Besides, his eyes are irresistible when he wears blue.

At 3 months, Drake...

-Is now at my most favorite baby stage ever. 3-6 months is my JAM.

-Is now my easy baby. His colic has completely diminished and now he just smiles and is a good boy all day long. Those horrible 2 months were totally worth it (Richard might not agree ;)

-Giggles now! He did it the first time with his Aunt Rachel, and then a little bit with his Uncle Michael shortly after that and finally with me a few days ago. Like I've said before, baby giggles fix everything

-Has a blowout at least once a day. I'm glad we have a really great washer/dryer now

-Wakes up at 7:30am (with Carter) takes a 30-45 minute nap around 10am and then usually a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon around 1pm (I realize how fortunate I am). He'll pepper in other naps throughout the day but those two are the most consistent. His sleep schedule is pretty aligned with Carter's because I've noticed Drake really needs a quiet environment to sleep which Carter does not provide when he's awake...

-Goes to sleep around 9:00pm and will wake up once or twice throughout the night to eat. Usually around 1am or 4am (or both). 

-Is in size 6 month clothes! And 6-9 months fit him even better! When people ask how old he is they are always super shocked because this boy is BIG. When I measured him on the scale at home, he was 17 pounds...good thing he's 90th % for height as well...

-Is a great eater (obviously) but even he cannot keep up with my milk supply. I was not this productive with Carter, but the other day at work I pumped 22 ounces in an 8 hour period. Crazy. At this rate I might not even have to supplement with formula like I did with Carter at 7 months

-Is really into chewing on blankets, towels and his hands. Still can't convince him to like a binky though.

-Has a really distinguishable cry. Carters all kind of sounded the same to me so I wasn't very good at reading him but Drake's tired cry (so cute/sad) is way different from his uncomfortable/gassy cry (not so cute...)

-Is about 90% of the way there with rolling from his back to his stomach (he just can't quite pick up his head). He rolled from his stomach to his back when he was a month old, so I think he'll do the physical things a bit early like his brother. Heaven help me.

-Still has his blonde mohawk and bright blue eyes. He's starting to get a bit of cradle cap so I'm thinking some of his hair might start falling out once we scrub a bit more to help with that.

-Loves watching Carter play as well as watching basketball on TV

-Always gets a big cheesy smile when I let him talk to himself in the mirror

-Has the most delicious cheeks in the entire world. I have to muster every bit of self control that I have to not just kiss on them all day long.

-Still digs his baths and is starting to really splash around

-Does not like messy diapers. The minute he's messy he wants changed. 

-Is still not a big fan of his car seat, but he is definitely improving. He can now turn his head to see/watch Carter which I think helps :)

-Loves standing up on our laps

-Loves having clothes pulled over his head accompanied with a "peek-a-boo." However, he does NOT like getting his arms wrangled into things. One of the reasons I think he doesn't like his car seat.

Overall, Drake is a total joy and I am so happy he's a part of our family. I no longer feel like I am drowning and I can't wait to learn more about this sweet boy :)

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