Thursday, March 9, 2017

Drake - 4 Months

And just like that, my baby is 4 months.

At 4 months, Drake

-Has the cutest little voice. Either it is whispy high pitched squeals of joy or low grumbly growls haha. I have to record it because words just don't do it justice.

-Eyeballs our food constantly. It breaks my heart a little bit but then I see his huge cheeks and leg rolls and don't feel so bad ;)

-Is starting to get really coordinated with his hands. He's very good at grabbing and holding onto things.

-Mostly just spends his day watching Carter. I'll turn him towards me to talk and play with him but unless I'm doing something really fun he'll usually just turn his head to try to find Carter. It kind of breaks my heart because I feel like I'm in 2nd place but I'm glad he loves his brother.

-Chews on his hands all day long. He also loves to chew on his Aden & Anais blankets. He won't do it with any other blankets. If he's fussy, a blanket in his hands up near his face will calm him down like 80% of the time

-Is in size 3 diapers and 9 month clothing

-Has lost most of his hair and is dealing with some cradle cap. Everything that is growing back in is very, very blonde. There isn't a trace of red anymore. He will be blonde hair, blue eyes and looks NOTHING like me haha

-Is enormous. I'm postponing his 4 month appointment to line up with Carter's 2 year appointment, so I won't know his height/weight for a few weeks but the scale at home says he's 18 pounds, yikes!

-Still wakes up 2 times a night to nurse. I've been writing down the times for the last two-ish weeks to see if there's some sort of pattern. Unfortunately, there's not.

-Is still sleeping in a pack n' play in our room since Carter's still getting used to his toddler bed. I feel like we should begin sleep training soon because I know he is capable of sleeping through the night (he's done it multiple times) but I don't think I'd be able to do it if he's right next to our bed?! But I don't want to move him into Carter's room without sleep training because Carter is a light sleeper?! Ugh the dilemma.

-Loves looking at himself in the mirror or on "selfie mode" on our phones

-Is actually pretty good at sitting up by himself. I'll prop him up between my legs and he can sit up without laying back on me too much

-Smiles all day long now. His smile first thing in the morning makes everything in the world seem alright. He is such a sweet, happy baby. 2 months ago I'm sure I would have laughed if you would have told me I would have such an angel baby in such a short period of time. 

-Has started to really giggle. Richard gets him to laugh by tickling him and I get giggles by playing peek a boo or fake sneezing.

-Also thoroughly enjoys when you lay him down on your lap and open and close your hand as a "claw" above him then lower it on him then tickle him (if that makes any sense at all). He loves this and will stay entertained forever.

-Usually falls asleep in the car just like Carter did which makes errands easy for me

-Is still nursing well even though he gets distracted very easily.

-Still has the same nap schedule. He'll do a short (45 min or less) nap in the morning around 9 or 10 and then a long 3-4 hour nap in the afternoon when Carter goes down for a nap. He'll usually wake up once in the middle of the long nap to nurse but then falls right back asleep. I am so lucky, I know. I've learned that I can do pretty well with interrupted sleep during the nighttime, but I NEED some alone time during the day to decompose/get things done, so this is a blessing I will cherish as long as it lasts.

-Has started to turn onto his side to sleep. Carter did this as well and he ended up being a tummy sleeper.

-Loves his Daddy. He needs me when he's tired at night but otherwise, he's all eyes for Richard as soon as he gets home.

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