Thursday, January 12, 2017

Drake - 2 Months

Two months down of parenting two kids under the age of two

...and somehow I'm still alive! This past month has been NO JOKE. For awhile there, Drake would cry for at least 5-6 hours a day. After trying literally everything, I would eventually just have to succumb to setting him down in his swing and having a good cry with him. It was heartbreaking to feel so powerless. He's still very colicky, but absolutely no where near where he was before. Also, he smiles now so that makes everything more manageable.

So, I really don't want to just remember Drake as being a difficult, colicky baby. So here are some cute updates on my favorite 2 month old. [ Also, I realize all of these pictures probably look the exact same to the untrained eye...but I just couldn't choose between them all :) ]

-Is such a cute little talker. His "a-goos" completely melt Richard, Carter and I.

-Is still very much strawberry blonde with blue eyes. His mohawk is still going strong as well

-Is absolutely enormous. He weighs 14lbs 11oz (95%) and is 24 inches tall (90%). Carter was 60% at this age and eventually jumped up to the 90s, so who knows what's in store for this boy! I am officially growing my own football team.

-Is in size 2 diapers and size 3-6 month clothes. I can still squeeze him into some brands of 0-3 month clothes, but it is a squeeze.

-Speaking of Carter, Drake really likes him. He will track him around the room and give him really big, sweet smiles.

-However, not to brag, but Carter cannot even hold a candle to Mama. Drake is a total Mamas boy and I won't like, it feels pretty good!

-Is a great sleeper. He usually goes to bed at night around 10:00pm, will wake up around 3 or 4am to eat, and then wakes up the same time as Carter, around 7-7:30am. I'm not doing anything differently, I think some kids are just naturally better at sleeping. He also usually takes at least an hour and a half nap at the same time as Carter. I will probably jinx myself for even typing that, but I've been very fortunate with this so far!

-Prefers being flat on his back over any kind of incline. However, he also likes tummy down in a football hold. When he's especially gassy and fussy, this will usually calm him down the most.

-Has the funniest little cries. They're so high pitched and fake sounding haha. I need to get it on video.

-Totally has the "red light syndrome" I think fellow Moms know what I'm talking about

-Hates having his arms yanked around to get dressed or put in the car seat. I remember Carter hated this as well.

-Loves watching TV. Especially basketball.

-Even though he doesn't get much tummy time, he is rocking at rolling (see what I did there?) He's been able to roll from his tummy to his back for a month now, but the other night he got 80% of the way from his back to his stomach. I mean, it makes sense since he's basically the size of a 4 month old.

-Looooves bath time. He will talk to himself in the mirror and coo the entire time. It is delicious.

-Has the most expressive eyebrows. Even though they're very blonde you can see them when he furrows them and moves them up and down, it cracks me up.

Although you have given us a run for our money, I can't imagine our family without you :)

*excuse the spit up*

^^ how he probably really feels about these photoshoots

^^gotta include the cameo appearance from big brother

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