Sunday, November 2, 2014

19 Week Update

1) Weeks Pregnant/Size of baby?  
19 weeks! I figured since we're almost half way there, it was about time that I graduated from the selfies! Baby is the size of a mango or heirloom tomato.

2) Symptoms? 
Well I think I am officially out of the cheeseburger stage, so that’s something!  Other than that, symptoms have included serious pregnancy brain. I thought I had issues finding my keys and phone before…

Besides that though I am (negative) symptom free! I joke with people and say if all my pregnancies turn out to be this easy, I might just have 1,000 babies ;)

3) Sleep? 
Not too bad recently! I steal mostly all the pillows from Richard which is sad so I’ll need to go out and get a few more for him. I try to be good and fall asleep on the magical left side but I worry myself because I'm a back sleeper and always end up on my back in the middle of the night. My Dr. says I’ll start to get lightheaded if the blood supply or whatever is truly getting cut off but it’s something I think about nonetheless. #firsttimemomprobs

4) Mood? As of Thursday after 3:15pm afternoon I've been happy as a clam! Haha! Before that, I was staying up til 3:00am every night working on my major presentation for my capstone mktg class as well as just tons of homework and studying for other classes. Now that that week is over, I’ve been great. The weather has been wonderful, I feel a lot more comfortable with my new role at work and I got a A on my last three capstone presentations  (including my major, hour long one!) and that teacher is TOUGH! I am also throwing a bridal shower next Saturday, which is always way fun!

5) Fitness?
  Nope! Haha. Well, not at the gym at least. I still do planks and arm weights when I'm watching TV. This last week I haven't gone to bed earlier than 2:00am because of my big project sooooooo, yeah that's my excuse for the week. I’ve officially gained 5 pounds at this point which made my Dr. happy.  I was on the heavier side of the “normal” range to begin with so I want to be careful about gaining too much weight. The baby can feed off my thighs just fine ;)

6) Cravings? 
Hmmm…nope! Can't say that I have any cravings. My appetite has chilled out a bit too which is nice. At around 16-17 weeks if I didn't eat every like 4 hours I was on the HUNT. It was almost burdensome.

7) Maternity clothes?
 I bought a couple sweaters (like the one pictured above!) a week or so ago that aren't maternity but are a lot more flattering than the things I’ve been wearing. My mom also dug through her whole closet and donated a few of her longer shirts so I could use them (Thanks mom!!). My normal fall uniform consists of really roomy, flowy sweaters, skinny jeans and knee boots.  I’ve learned that as far as tops go, I need to have things either fitted on my arms or fitted around my waist/hips and not just baggy everywhere like I normally do or I end up just looking massive. I can still wear and button most of my normal jeans... but things just aren’t as comfortable that way, so I’ll use the hair tie trick or my belly band, I just have to make sure to wear a longer shirt or things can start looking a bit awkward!

8) Movement? Yes! You guys, so exciting! It started late into week 16 but I was so doubtful because it would be the smallest little tap and then go away. They are few and far between so it was hard for me to really pay attention but I’m a lot more confident now that they for sure are actual kicks. I usually only feel them at night if I’m lying on my back the couch. Except for yesterday morning, little dude was dancing around for a good 5 seconds. I tried to put my hand on my stomach to see if I could feel anything on the outside (for Richard's sake) but then he stopped moving :|  Little stinker.

9) Highlight/lowlight this week? Finishing my HUGE capstone project was definitely a highlight! The lowlight was staying up so late every night to get it done haha. 

Oh also!! We took Richard's siblings trick or treating which was actually really fun. Where I grew up, there weren't really any kids in the neighborhood so I always went over to my friends houses. Richard's old neighborhood was the place to be apparently! Tons of kids everywhere, so cute. Trick or treating is a great time to teach kids the concept of taxes ;)

And here's the ONLY pictures him and I got together that night. Super flattering, I know.


10) Looking forward to? 20 week screening this Thursday! Richard and I are sooo excited to see our little dude again :)

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