39 weeks!?! I think I wrote, what... 3 posts total for this pregnancy? Oh well, my pregnancies are pretty uneventful (thankfully) so I guess that's what happens.
I still can't believe that there's going to be another baby around these parts. You'd think that since I've gotten the reality check before with Carter that I would feel a bit more relaxed, but no. I still feel the need to get EVERYTHING done before he arrives, make sure everything is spotless and buy all of the unnecessary baby things that I laughed at myself for doing the first time around. For example, I have some irrational fear that a new baby simply cannot be brought home from the hospital in a dirty car. It rained the other night and left some water-spots on my car so naturally I had to get it washed and vacuumed. Immediately. Even though it's going to rain again in a few days and I will probably do it all over again.
Anyways, about the pregnancy. I had my 39 week appointment today and I am officially not dilated at all, ha. I have my reasons for thinking that my due date should be the following week, but the doctor is sticking to a due date of November 2nd. I think mentally I'll just prepare for November 6th and then we can be pleasantly surprised if he comes early.
My weight gain has been basically the exact same as it was with Carter, but I feel SO much bigger this time around. I know some of it has to do with me doing like, zero weight training this time around (I was very diligent my first time around). Also, I think I'm just more tired in general because I chase around a very energetic 18 month boy around all day. I never got to the point of being "done" with Carter. But...yeah, I'm totally done with being huge!
I tested positive with GBS this time around which sounds way more serious when you Google it than it actually is. I guess around 25% of women have it during the end of their pregnancies and it can potentially be passed on to the baby during delivery. To combat this, the hospital gives you antibiotics thru your IV when you get checked in. I was told as long as you get two doses of antibiotics then there is a very, very small chance that the baby will catch anything. Howeverrrr each dose takes 4 hours to administer and my first labor was less than 4 hours soooo.... the baby will most likely have to stay at the hospital for 48 hours to be monitored. So please guys, visit me at the hospital because I hate hospitals and will be bored out of my mind!
This little guy is still very, very wiggly. I sometimes feel self conscience in public because he moves around so much that I am just sure other people can see him spazzing out. I finally understand what being kicked in the ribs feels like. Carter never did that, but this dude sure does. Always on my right side.
I still keep imagining that I'm going to give birth to another baby Carter. It's going to be so surreal having a different experience and a different baby as an outcome! I think I might try for an epidural again. Who knows if I'll make it in time, but I've heard they slow down your labor which might be good so I can get more of the antibiotics in.
I'm about 95% set on a name, but Richard is 100% set...so I think it's done! In our family prayers, Richard will refer to the baby by the certain name and now one of his passwords contains the baby's name so yeah, you can say it's finalized haha. I'm still going to be a stinker and wait til he's born to mass announce it though. I just feel like I have to see the baby first before I can start putting initials on everything.
My last day at work is Halloween (2 days before the due date) and then it's officially time for the waiting game. I hope I'm still able to go trick-or-treating with Carter but then after that you will find me putting all the old wives tales to work!!
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