Tuesday, September 1, 2015

5 Months

At 5 months Carter...

-Absolutely loves being sung and read to. His favorite book is "Brown Bear" and his favorite song is still the Alphabet.

-Is on his stomach 24/7. If we lay him on his back, he will roll over within 2 mins without fail. Also, he has been sleeping on his stomach for basically the last month. I would try to roll him over when I'd check on him but he'd roll right back over so there's really no reason to fight it. Luckily he was never swaddled so we don't really need to worry about it.

-Is still very random about his sleeping patterns. He will wake up 1-2 times a night to eat. I know I need to let him cry it out a bit but I just don't think I can do it yet, especially since he is teething really badly right now. 

-Is a total narcissistic haha. He continues to flirt with himself in the mirror and laugh whenever we reverse the phone camera on him

-Also loves other babies. There is another little boy at church that's about 3 weeks older than him and those two love to just touch each others faces and get all up in each other's business.

-Wants to crawl SO badly. He can turn himself all the way around while he's on his tummy but hasn't quite figured out how to move himself forward. Normally, I'd just want my baby to stay little forever  but he just wants it so bad and gets 
so frustrated so I hope for his sake he figures it out soon.

-Can roll around all over the place in the meantime. Primary means of transportation right now.

-Has recently discovered his feet. If he's not on his stomach he has his feet in his hands.


-Loves this activity center that Grandma Willis just scored him. He gets this very serious face when he plays with the toys on it. We call it his office. The thing is a  total beast and basically takes up our whole living room when we borrow it but it's worth it.

-Still thinks Dad is HILARIOUS. Richard can get that boy to giggle like none other.

-Loves playing with water bottles, our phones and bouncy balls.

-Has started splashing like crazy during bath time. He's officially too big for his baby bath so I'll end up putting on a swimsuit and just sitting with him in the big bath tub.

-Loves the texture on our walls and always wants to roll over and touch it when he gets his diaper changed which results in lots of wrangling

-Has had baby oatmeal 3 times now and is doing better each time he tries. I'll be honest, it's such a mess and he doesn't really swallow very much so I'm not super motivated to give it to him everyday. Practice makes perfect though!!

-This is probably be just making a big deal out of nothing, but I swear he says "mum" now. It's mostly when he's hungry or frustrated but I'll take it :)

-Has learned how to flip off light switches with the help of Daddy

-Smiles a lot more now. We don't have to work quite as hard which is definitely appreciated :)

We love you baby boy. Can't believe you're going to be half a year old in another month! 

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