Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Baby Boy #3

As much as I’ve neglected this little corner of the internet, I will say I’ve come back here a lot to reference past pregnancies and the monthly updates with Carter and Drake. If nothing else, I’ll print this sucker out once our family is complete and it’ll serve as a collection of our “baby books” 🙃

I owe it to myself and nugget #3 to document at least a little bit.

After trying for baby #3 for a little over a year, we decided to seek some medical help. I called at the beginning of February and booked my appointment for the end of March 2020. Obviously the world went down the drain fast in March as Covid hit, but surprisingly they were willing to keep my appointment. We started off by doing blood work and follicle scans. Everything came back normal which was both reassuring and frustrating. Because everything was "normal" I wasn't a candidate for a lot of popular infertility medications. So we continued regular follicle scans for a few months to try to better time things.

In July, I finally got a positive pregnancy test! It was days before Richard's birthday and I was so excited to surprise him. One thing to know about me is that I am kind of a psychopath when it comes to pregnancy tests. So I continued to test until I got a result that wouldn't be super faint and believable enough for Richard. But upon testing, I noticed that second line start to fade and I knew it was a chemical pregnancy. I ended up telling Richard a day before his birthday that I was pregnant, but that it wasn't going to last. I miscarried a few days later. 

At my next appointment, I spoke to the NP at the doctor's office and explained the miscarriage and told her it wasn't my first rodeo. She then gave me instructions to take progesterone pills 2x/day for the last 2 weeks of each cycle moving forward. This would help build my uterine wall to better support a pregnancy. Besides extreme fatigue and some weight loss (which I didn't mind!) there weren't too many side effects. And the very first month, it worked!!

We confirmed the pregnancy with an ultrasound at 8 weeks after my normal two week bought of morning sickness and were so excited and grateful. 

We told the boys pretty nonchalantly a few weeks later on our traditional pizza Friday by saying we had a big surprise after dinner and put the ultrasound on top of a cake. Once we told them, the first thing out of Drake's mouth was "can I have more pizza?" Lol. Unphased. We told our families about a week or so afterwards and were impressed the boys didn't spill the beans.

A few weeks later we found out we were expecting another little boy. Both sides of our family were pretty openly disappointed but Richard and I were excited. I always imagined myself with lots of little boys and the news just felt right. 

The remainder of my pregnancy went very smoothly just like with Carter and Drakes with the exception of increased back pain and just plain exhaustion in the 3rd trimester. 

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