Saturday, May 23, 2015

2 Months

This second month has gone by waaaaaay faster than the first! I almost feel like I've been given a totally different baby by how much he's changed! He basically just slept through the entire first month of his life so I thought I was given the rare unicorn of all babies. Now, mister Carter is ornery as all get-out and has definitely developed a big personality. Are terrible twos a thing (2 months that is)? Lol all joking aside, my love for him has only grown. Honestly, this crazy kid definitely feels like he "belongs" to me now. It just wouldn't have made sense for us to have such a chill baby ;)

I could I not be obsessed with this boy?! Look at him! Scratching his belly with a big ol' smirk...what a guy ;)

I'm officially in baby roll heaven over here. We were officially out of newborn diapers as of about 6 weeks old. However, he went through SUCH a growth spurt recently that he has almost outgrown his size ones! He needs to sloooow down because we still have like 5 more big bags of size ones to go through! As far as clothing goes, I can still squeeze him into some newborn onesies and shirts but newborn bottoms are out of the question...his tummy just cannot be contained! 0-3 months is where it's at but I'm sure we'll be into 3-6 months soon enough!

Unfortunately we were never able to get a one month doctors appointment scheduled because of an insurance delay so I don't know what he measured then. However, as of last Thursday he weighed a solid 12 pounds, is 22 3/4 inches and his head is 16" around! The fact that he's gained more than 4 pounds and 2 inches (in height and head) in less than two months totally blows my mind. He's in the 70th percentile in height and weight and in the 90th percentile for his head size. We have a biiiig boy and mama couldn't be more proud :) 

I won't lie, I was slightly disappointed that we didn't meet with the doctor for his 2nd month check-up. She was concerned the first couple of weeks about his weight gain so I really wanted to bring this chunk back as an "I told you I make fat babies" but I digress....

EYES: They're brown! Mama's genes win :) 

HAIR: The brown color is definitely still sticking (win again!). Also, his receding hair line he had going on as a newborn has diminished. He doesn't have a ton of hair, but it has definitely filled in.

SLEEPING: Well... right before he turned 6 weeks old, he slept for 4 hours in a row one night, then 4 hours in a row the next night and then 5 HOURS in a row the next night! I was ecstatic! However, the next day I went back to work from maternity leave and he's been up every 2-3 hours again ever since. The nurse told me that babies this age are smart and that it's common for a sleep regression to occur when mom goes back to work. Something about them milking the time they can get with you. I will admit that is super cute and I'm totally flattered....but also kind of over it ;) After his 2 month shots he got pretty sick so I stayed home with him last Friday which resulted in 6 days off from work (I don't work Tu/Th & then Memorial Day). Because of that, we got up to 4 1/2 hour stretches again but now that I'm back to work we're not doing so good haha. Anyways I'm totally open to tips!

 Obviously this kid knows what he's doing! Haha. When he takes a breastmilk bottle with dad or the grandma's, he'll usually eat about 3 ounces at a time. I was worried that he'd start to prefer the bottle over me because I imagine he gets fed faster with the bottle but luckily that's not the case. He can switch from bottle to breast like a champ.


-He basically has complete control over his head and neck now and is very proud of it.

-Recently he's been LOVING standing up on my lap. He can hold himself up for about a minute or so. He'll lock his legs and get this biggest look of accomplishment on his face. It's pretty adorable!

-I don't know if I'd call this a milestone per se, but this kid is kicking up a storm now! If he is ever laying flat on his back his legs are constantly going a 100 miles an hour.

-Along those same lines, he is very wiggly now as you can see from the blurry limb pictures. This is such a drastic change from his newborn days. He used to be so chill and calm but now he is always on the go.

-He is still super vocal, and has begun to coo and babble a bit. Richard and I have lots of fun having little conversations with him.

-He is definitely smiling now. He doesn't hand them out for free gotta work for it! His FAVORITE thing ever is when you stick your tongue out at him. He thinks that is hilarious and will sometimes stick his tongue back out, which we think is hilarious ;) Kisses on the neck and tummy as well as big goofy "HELLOoOos" also usually do the trick.

-He is great at tracking people now. When daddy holds him while I try to clean up the apartment, his little head will follow me around as I go. I mean can I get anything done when he does that?!?

-The last couple of days he has LOVED his hands. He is constantly chewing on them, staring at them and having them up by his face.

-He still is all about the gallery wall in our living room. Here's a picture of it for memories sake. I am so curious what he loves so much about it because he stares at it all day long.

-He loves "running" with his legs. He thinks it's pretty hilarious

-He LOVES getting his diaper changed on his changing table. He has a big cheesy smile plastered on his face the entire time. Whenever he's fussy, we'll usually just take him to his changing table and he'll calm down almost immediately. Super weird, I know. 

-Still loves his baths. It totally relaxes him.

-He still hates being swaddled. We have basically given up on the idea. If we bind his arms in any way he will scream until they are released.

-He doesn't like his car seat anymore :( I am probably the most sad about this because this mama has places to be! He will wimper and whine the entire time unless I'm in the back entertaining him.

-He's still not the biggest fan of his baby k-tan wrap carrier. BUT we did try it at the grocery store the other day and he did great! Slept the entire time! Once his neck strength is 100% I will try holding him outward in it to see if he likes it better.
-Richard blessed him at our church on May 17th. I was so worried that he would cry through it but he did a great job! Richard said he was awake the whole time and started fussing towards the end but I couldn't hear a thing. Dad did a great job and it was great having our families there to celebrate with us :)

Mama and Daddy love you so much baby Carter :) We feel so, so lucky to be your parents.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your blog. Carter is so-o-o CUTE! We love him!
