Wednesday, March 11, 2015

We've got a fully cooked baby over here!! (Aka 37 1/2 weeks)

This little guy is officially "full term" meaning he can come at any time and not be considered pre-mature. Although I'd still like him to stay put for at least two more weeks so I can maintain my sanity during our move! We are living out of boxes right now and I would fah-reak out if I had to bring home a newborn to boxes and a massive to-do list. Fingers crossed that he stays cozy in there!

For my last two appointments, I've met with a different doctor in the practice and I absolutely adore him. He is verryyy openly gay and is absolutely hysterical. We talked about our love for mid-century architecture for like 20 minutes and the first thing he said to me when he walked in to meet me was "Wow honey those prenatals are obviously doing great things for your hair! So beautiful" Lol, I'm sure he says that to everyone, but any compliment is much appreciated when you're 9 months pregnant! I almost wouldn't even mind if my Dr wasn't available and he was the one to deliver me!

The bump was still measuring a week and a half behind (which blew my mind, I am huge) at that appointment so he ordered me an ultrasound just to make sure the little guy is on track. However, at my appointment last week, I was caught up and measuring where I was supposed to buttttt I decided to keep the ultrasound appointment anyways because, why not?!

Also at my last appointment this past Friday I had asked to be checked because I had been having some pretty intense pressure and cramps the days prior and I had suspicions that the baby had dropped. Come to find out that not only had the baby dropped, but that I am already 100% effaced! I'm not dilated at all which is comforting but the Dr said to not bank on this baby being overdue. So much for my maternal instincts!

Besides the constant pressure, I am still doing really well. My group B step test came back negative, my blood pressure is still low and the cravings have been pretty manageable (however...honey, if you're reading this, I still want you to unpack the waffle maker) :) My only real complaint is that my hands and feet are swollen so most of my shoes start to hurt after wearing them all day. It's probably time to put the wedges away for the next couple weeks... (sigh...)

I think something that I'm looking forward to the most is seeing Richard with this little baby. If you know him at all, you know that he LOVES kids and they love him. Wherever we go, babies, toddlers and kids alike just stare, smile and follow him around, it is just the cutest. I am 100% positive he was put on this earth to be a dad and I know him and this kid will be best buds!

Also, we are convinced that April 5th is going to be the best day ever. It will consist of:

A tiny newborn to snuggle
Easter Sunday
General Conference
& opening day for the Cardinals?!

Literally, can any combination of things make for a better day for this Rindlisbacher household? I really don't think so :)