Monday, July 11, 2011


So it was officially a month ago that we left for our honeymoon...
but it gives me an excuse to look through our pictures again :)

Not a worry in the world!

"Because words are primarily processed through conscious, analytic pathways, they are easier to resist than images that are processed through less conscious, intuitive associations." Craig R Fox

It was AMAZING to say the least.

Oh, and we still need to develop our under-water-snorkeling-pictures.
Those should be interesting!

HIGHLIGHT: While we were swimming I saw a wild stingray like 3 feet underneath me! But did I take a picture of it? Of course not....I screamed and crawled on top of Richard's back to get away from it.  I know that's a lost opportunity... but I'm too scared to even touch the petting zoo ones at the Monterrey Aquarium so do you think I would be BFFs with a WILD one? No thank you :)
Anyways, life is still good :)
I may do more than one post today...lots of catching up to do.
You're welcome Alyssa ;)

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